Monday, December 21, 2009

New Product-MileTracer

Global PI Supply is about to announce a GREAT new product that will save you time and money for 2010.

The MileTracer is about to be added to our products list. With the MileTracer, you can throw away your mileage log book and keep very accurate track of your time and mileage.

No more - "OOPS-I forgot to write down my start mileage / km's"
No more trying to justify your deduction on your taxes.
No more questions from your client about the mileage / km charge on their bill.

All of the ACCURATE information is available with a simple click of the mouse.

Print it all out on an Excel spreadsheet.
Great gift for Christmas!!!

No set up or monthly fees, and the purchase price is well under $300.00 !!

Global PI Supply is your complete source for Investigative and Personal Security products
GPS tracking systems
Personal -Covert DVR's
Covert Camera's ,
Entry level and Professional Grade Counter Surveillance Equipment- Sweep & Bug Detectors
Digital Recorders
Many more products to meet your every need

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cost of Running Real Time GPS

One of the biggest draw backs of running a Real Time GPS tracking system is the monthly access fees that many systems charge. It for that reason that we carry the GPS 600 Real Time tracking system. Your costs are very simple and definitely made to order.

1-Purchase price: $399.95 plus a small 1 time set up fee (activation) of $65.00

2-Once you gave the unit, simply sign on and pay $39.95 per month for UNLIMITED access.

3-Here is good best part- NO CONTRACTS-You can renew by logging in any time you need the system and pay just for that month.

4- Here is the best part: If you are a PI, you can have the unit on hand and charge your clients for the useage as needed ie: It is a money maker and not costing you anything while it is not being utilized.

For more Information on this or other products,
visit our web site:

For investigative or process serving, visit

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Starting to add

Well.. we have added our first additional app to this bog and also to our blog at

Anyone else added apps like digg.. or others?
Suggestions are alway accepted- re: other apps or ways to build a following on a blog
Any thoughts on the pro's and con's of using a free blog site like this one?

D.M.(Riun) Lawrence
Golden West Investigative Group Ltd

Investigative and Personal Security Equipment

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Toll Highways and Bridges

The lower mainland of BRITISH COLUMBIA thought we had seen the last of Toll Bridges when they took off the toll on the Lion's Gate Bridge many many years ago.

The highways were free- as they should be- until the new Highway 5 from the lower mainland to the interior was put in.

Yes-- it was a great time saver and thusly, the $10.00 each way for passenger vehicles and $20.00 for larger was accepted- well- sort of. Anyways, the toll booth on highway #5 finally came down as they said the highwaywas now paid for- Great!! No more tolls!! WRONG!!

The new Port Mann bridge (part of the great highway 1 parking lot) that connects the north and south sides of the fraser river will be a toll. ie: You have to pay to get into Vancouver or other areas on the north side ofthe fraser if using highway 1.

Here is my question to you:
If you were in this scenario- or maybe you already are in your area- what do you pay for tolls- daily, monthly etc.

How do you pay for your tolls?- transponder in your vehicle?

How do they collect if you do not have a transponder? Camera shot of your license plate?

If you are subject to the later (camera shot), have you ever considerd using a camera deflector or such device?
We are asking this as we are contemplating stocking such devices but first felt we should check the market. Let us know.. add your comments to our blog

Global PI Supply
Gps Tracking Systems, Covert Cameras,Audio and Telephone Security Devices
Electronic CounterMeasures (bug detectors), body worn cameras (dvr systems), Audio Recorders..and more

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New traffic law for British Columbia

I am amazed at the lack of publicity or media coverage in the province pertaining to this one.
As of June 1, 2009, a new law will be on the books. It is a good law (IMHO) but has not been covered by the media at all. I just found out by chance during a conversation last night.

The law is pertaining to Emergency Vehicles and how the general motorists SHALL conduct their speeds and driving. In an abrreviated form: If you are in a spped zone of 80kmh or higher and come upon an emergency vehicle (fires ambulance police), you must reduce your speed to 70kmh and if safe to do so, change to the alternate lane furthest away from the Emergency vehicle.
If you are in a speed zone of less than 80kmh, you shall reduce to 40kmh and again, change lanes as mentioned above.

This all makes perfect sense and is a saftey issue for the ambulance, fire or police members carrying out their duties.

The kicker is- and this is why I am surprised at the lack of coverage- the fine for non-compliance is $143.00 (or was that $148.00 - either way "OUCH") plus 3 penalty points on your driver's licence.

I guess the fine was not high enough to get the media's attention

D.M.(Riun) Lawrence
Golden West Investigative Group Ltd

Investigation and Personal Security Products Sales

Monday, May 11, 2009

GPS Logger or Real Time

As a vendor for both GPS Loggers and Real Time Tracking systems, we tend to see a variety of applications that meet the customer's requirement. Most PI companies tend to request the REAL TIME units to assist them on those very surveillance concious files or to track items that have been growing legs. Granted, from time to time, they do have clients that only require the "AFTER THE FACT" data and the logger is used. Which ever one they choose, or should I say- "Their client chooses", it is always in their (The PI Companies) best interest to varify and get it in writting that there is a legal right to place the GPS unit. Some PI's, and other customers too, have stated - No problem- I will just deny puting it there; or- I never install the unit, I get someone else to do it.
Being in the profession for 29 years, I feel that we have read enough jurisdiction and privacy law sections to say- Don't think for a moment that the above statements will get you off the hook if the GPS unit is found. In many areas, you can still be held accountable to some degree if it is not legally placed.
How do you verify LEGAL PLACEMENT?
The simple rule of thumb that we have always used is- Who's name is on the registration of the vehicle? If your client is not on the Registration, they most likely do not have a legal right. This criteria should be used for both Real Time GPS and gps loggers.

Your thought?.. Comments?.. Suggestions?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Update on products

Welcome to the Global PI Supply Blog

Global PI Supply is your complete source for investigative and personal security equipment.
Wheather your requirements are:
Real time or Data Logger Vehicle GPS tracking Systems.
Digital Audio Recorders
Personal mini DVR's
Covert Cameras
Audio and Voice Security
Professional or everyday use counter-measures (Bug Detectors)
or anything else from our extensive list- Global PI Supply is your on-line source.

New Arrival: GPS 700
The GPS 700 (aka Sparks Nano) is the latest in REAL TIME Gps tracking units. Not much larger than a household key and no long-expensive contracts, this unit is exactly what you have been waiting for. Use it to (in real time) track your vehicle, possessions, people or what ever you need to keep an eye on from anywhere in the world.

The GPS700 is the latest Real Time GPS tracking system for you.

Very Covert DVR-Cell Phone DVR Camera:
The DVR900 just got better!! The manufacturer has lowered the M.A.P. price by $100.00 Get your own DVR 900 NOW for $595.00